Posts Tagged ‘justice league’

Apparently the new WB’s  strategy in a post-Harry Potter world will be fill the void with DC Comics superheroes.

The LA times wrote: “Jeff Robinov (the new president of WB) aiming to release new Batman and Superman films in 2012 and Justice League, a teaming of DC’s top heroes, in 2013.”

This sentence was confirmed by Robinov himself according to many sites, so this means that with the releases of Green lantern this year (June 17), The Dark Knight Rises (July 20, 2012) and the Superman reboot (December 2012), plus the actively developing individual projects around The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman, we can say that most of the elements needed for the film are there.

Let`s now wait for the casting rumours that we love and hate at the same time!

Producer Charles Roven on both films (Superman and Batman), has dropped a few tidbits of info, not the least being that there will be no Marvel-style crossover between the two movies:

“That may be in somebody’s mind but right now the Batman lives in his world and the Superman lives in his world. Those stories are those stories and we haven’t thought beyond each individual picture.

Anyway let see if in the future a Justice League or World Fitness filmn hits the cinemas, which is what every comic book fan wants.