Hilarious British comedian Russell Brand’s new movie ARTHUR is now on cinemas around the country. To celebrate their release Spotlight Report is giving you the chance to score exclusive merchandising of Arthur.

What do you need to do? Just 2 Easy! steps!!

1) Follow us on Twitter and “like us” on Facebook
2) Send us an email to spotlightreport@gmail.com with the subject ARTHUR and tell us:

Which Hollywood car you would like to buy if you were a millionaire and why?

Best 2 answers will win an Arthur merchandising prize.

*Winners will be notified by email

* Competition closes on April 26th, 2011

* Open to Australian residents only

This long weekend take your time to hit the cinemas and watch Arthur. Here you can check out our Movie reviewRussell Brand’s Press Conference in Sydney and our coverage “On the spot” of the Australian premiere with the man himself walking the red carpet.


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