On the spot: The Paper Scissors at Hermans Bar

Posted: October 30, 2010 in Concerts, Featured Australian Artist, Music
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The Paper Scissors are not what you would call your average Sydney band. Jai Payne, Xavier Naughton and Ivan Lisyak some how manage to incorporate a to create a chemical reaction of rock, reggae, surf, indie and a smidge of pop to name a few. The band has made it’s mark through use of television as medium with their song ‘We Dont Walk‘ being used in the Unwired commercial and more recently Underbelly.

In recordings they are vibrant, original and edgy. Live they are consistent to a child with ADHD permanently on red cordial, there is constant movement, punchy guitar fat drums and bass that delivers non-stop grooves, working the crowd into a frenzy. Hermans Bar has always given a great consistent sound for the artists that play there and the Paper Scissors managed to extract every ounce of energy out of the room with their set. With the final rings of the last chord of the last song the crowd was left begging achingly for the band to continue…but all good things must come to an end.

If you have a chance to see this band live do so now, while door charges are less than $20, as it is likely that as their popularity increases, so will the entry price.

Here enjoy their new single Lung Sum:

For more information about the band check:



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